Motorcycle Coatings Price Sheet

Prices assume disassembled, clean “standard” parts in good condition.  Do not send assembled or dirty parts.

Swain Tech Coatings Order Sheet (Word doc)
Swain Tech Coatings Order Sheet (pdf)


TBC on Top and PC-9 on Skirt* $48.00 each
Gold Coat on Top and PC-9 on Skirt $58.00 each
Top Only with TBC $34.00 each
Top Only with Gold Coat $49.00 each
Skirt Only with PC-9 $30.00 each
*Recommended for most pistons.  
PC-9 to Tighten Piston to Wall Clearances Up to .004″
Heavy Skirt Build up with PC-9 $47.00 each
TBC on dome and Heavy PC-9 $60.00 each

Only consider heavy PC-9 to tighten excessive clearance. Exact sizes cannot be held. Customer must hand polish heavy PC-9 to hold size and control thickness.

STEALTH COAT is a coating that will allow parts to remain “stock appearing” after coating. Our TBC can be applied in STEALTH form to piston tops and valve faces. Add 10% to standard prices when asking for STEALTH.

Cylinder HeadsTBC™ Thermal Barrier Coating in Combustion Chambers and on Valve Faces

6 Cylinder (pair or inline) $475.00
4 Cylinder Inline $425.00 each
3 Cylinder Head $400.00 each
2 Cylinder Head $150-300 each
Single Cylinder (Liquid or Air Cooled) $70-200 each
Single Exhaust Ports (when coating chambers) $40.00 each
2 into 1 Exhaust Ports (when coating chambers) $45.00 each
Exhaust Ports 2 Cycle TBC $125.00 each

BBE for Heads and Cylinders

Heads BBE External Coating (per cylinder) $150-250/cyl.
Cylinders BBE External Coating (per cylinder) $250-400/cyl.
*BBE cannot be applied to Powder Coated Parts.  Heads and cylinders must be sent clean, fully disassembled and free of any existing finish.  We must receive bare parts free of any existing finish, corrosion or anything other than the bare, clean metal.  

Valve and Valve Train Components (four stroke)

Face and Radius Side (TBC) $30.00 each
Face Only (TBC) $25.00 each
Radius Side Only (TBC) $25.00 each
Stem (PPM Low Friction) $15.00 each

Engine Bottom End Components (four stroke)

Bearings PPM Single, Rod, Main or Cam $15.00 each
Bearings PPM 4, 6, or 8 cyl. Main $55.00 set
Bearings PPM 6 Cylinder Rod $45.00 set
Bearings PPM 4 Cylinder Rod $40.00 set
Connecting Rods Oil Shedding $40.00 each

White Lightning (TBC-EX) Exhaust Coating

Due to the tremendous variations of part configuration, coating prices are estimates only. Exact pricing is based on the actual processing of each specific part. Used parts can be coated. Stripping paint, rust or a previous coating may require an additional charge.

Nobody can get a coating to permanently bond all the way through an exhaust tube unless it is very short and open from both sides. We do not coat the inside of turbo parts so be sure to let us know if you are sending turbo parts so we can mask them properly. Naturally aspirated pipes may be coated on the inside if it looks like the coating will not interfere with the mounting of the pipe to the head or the mating part. If you have any specific masking requirements, be certain to let us know where you want the part to be masked so we know what you are looking for.

Two Cycle

Triple Pipes $400 approx.
Twin Pipes $325 approx.
Single Pipe $200 approx.
Header Flange $25 approx.
Muffler (Box, Silencer, Stinger, etc) $175 approx.
Y-Pipe $50 approx.

Four Cycle

4 into 1 Header $55/foot per tube approx.
2 into 1 Header $55/foot per tube approx.
2 cycle expansion chamber $200 approx.
Briggs Pipe $55/foot approx.

Glossary of Power Coatings

TBC™ – Ceramic Thermal Barrier Coating for internal engine use.  About .002” thick.

Gold Coat™  – This Ceramic Thermal Barrier designed specifically for pistons in extreme environments such as nitrous, turbo,  and superchargers.  About .003” thick. 

White Lightning (TBC-EX) – This thermal barrier is primarily used on the outside of exhaust parts. White Lightning is a true thermal barrier not an appearance improving coating.  It is common to see mar or scratch marks in normal shipping and handling.  The coating can discolor when in use.  It is possible to see bead or spike like formations appear on the surface of the coating.  There are even times it is possible to see a fracture which could lead to peeling.  In almost every situation where the base metal expands enough to reveal a fracture in the coating it tends to be the outermost layer of coating with several thousandths of good insulating material remaining.  If the performance of the exhaust coating is the primary purpose of the coating White Lightning is good to consider.  When the appearance is important White Lightning is not a good choice.

PC-9™  – Extremely durable lubricating coating for piston skirts, gears and other parts.  About .0008” thick when applied to piston skirts.  Can be used to tighten clearance by adding up to .004” on some piston skirts.

Poly Moly™  – Lubricating coating for low rpm motors such as diesel piston skirts.  About .0008” thick when applied to skirts.

Peko Poly Moly™  (PPM) – High  load, thin, low friction coating.

BBE™ – Heat radiating coating to dissipate heat.

Flow Coat™ – Non-wetable, low friction coating.